Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Who looks you in the eye and says, “given your skills, you could do better…”

My friend Frank Clark shared this with me and it came by way of Keith Cunningham.  While it is not my work, I felt obligated to share it. 

We have to accept that becoming uncomfortable is not a nuisance, but a necessity to growth, excellence and success.

Who looks you in the eye and says, “given your skills, you could do better…”
  • You are not using your strengths to really make a difference.”
  • “What would happen if you committed your life to excellence?”
  • ‘What are you waiting for?”
  • “Could you set aside the fear and just go for it?”
  • “Why can’t you do it faster?”
  • “What are you afraid of, I know you’re holding back?”
  • “You need to think bigger and step up your game?
It takes love, kindness, confidence and boldness to bring the truth to a friend you care about.
One final question…if you’re insulating yourself from these conversations and challenges, who benefits?

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