Saturday, June 4, 2011

BIG Changes and even bigger Risks

I love big fat bodacious life changing decisions. These crossroads serve us in many capacities starting with the quintesential pinch we all we need at times to lift our heads above the tree line. They invigorate; call everything into question; make us dream again; allow us to ponder new possibilities and ultimately serve as monumental shifts in our lives. My favorite is when I meet someone in the middle of such a quandary. First, I feel honored to be brought into someone's life for coaching and mentoring on this subject. Second, I feel a sense of duty to others in the world to assist in any way I can. The fact is that most already know the decision they need or want to make. They often just need a nudge. Others may just need a new perception on the subject and others may need a whole new outlook on it. In any case, these types of events "usually" work out to be things we would NEVER trade an alternate outcome for. They end up being major shifts that lead us to where we are today, whether you are where you want to be or not. If however, you have made such decisions and grew to regret them, you can resign to the reality of it being a bad decision, but that would negate the lesson you inevitably learned from it in the first place. None-the-less, GIANT challenges, decisions, quandaries, dilemma's, etc., are in fact exciting and exhilarating. They demonstrate to me that life has really nothing to do with the destination and everything to do with the process by which we exist in the world each day, hour and moment at a time.

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