Sunday, May 29, 2011

Your Moments of Outrageousness

When you actually let go and have a moment of outrageousness, you well up with a beautiful emotional energy seldom visited. It is this "feeling" of exhilaration that keeps the flame of youthfulness and fun ablaze. It makes life a bit "007" for many of us. Not to be mistaken with absurdity or silliness, these moments are special and expressive; on the edge of your personality boundaries. What keeps us from more of these exciting moments? It is mostly the thought and judgment of others that keeps us from our own happiness and fulfillment. To be shunned, judged, or even just observed. Seriously, like my dad used to say, "in a 100 years, what will it matter?" So, I say rip that shirt off, dance like an idiot, sing aloud, laugh historically, sprint on a sidewalk in suit, be embarrassed, flirt, play, take a risk, go for it and really really put yourself out there. Where is "there"? It is here; when you wake; when you get out if your car; when you are presented with a stranger; it is in your existence of the world, where you are right now. Tom Cruise said it best...sometimes you just have to say "what the..."

Enjoy your 1 ticket pass at this amazing and irreplaceable thing we call life; Your life.

Jason Caras

Monday, May 23, 2011

Your Inner Voice

Your "inner voice" MUST hold more sway when you are in the midst of pushing yourself than the voices from other people such as trainers, mentors, parents, etc.  The commitment to the extra degree of effort MUST come from you.  The internal conversation going on in your head is judge and jury on how you perform when no one else is watching.  Don't let someone else have higher expectations of you than you.  Jason Caras

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Taking time to reflect

We are so quick to look outside of ourselves for answers, encouragement, guidance and comfort. While a necessary endeavor, one ought to look within with some well needed silence and solitude. Most would be surprised with the genius that lurks within standing ready to serve. Quiet the mind and ride in like a Viking. Jason Caras

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Stains & Taking yourself too seriously

I love waking up, showering, slipping on some freshly dry-cleaned clothes and heading to the office; only to find when I arrive that a coffee stain remains somewhere sure to be seen by others. I used to get angry about this sort of thing. Now, I laugh and remind myself not to take myself so seriously.